My ebooks

Allesandra's Bequest
by R. M. Fraser

View the ebook trailer at To purchase Allesandra's Bequest for the tawdry price of $.99, click here. Smashwords is a great ebook website dedicated to independent authors and readers everywhere. All you need to do is register for free and you're on your way! Get the book and enjoy! 


Shadow Boxer and other poems
by R. M. Fraser

This is the first ebook I published about a year and a half ago. It's a collection of poems I have written over the years. Poetry is obviously not for everybody, but here is an excerpt from one of the works in it. It's about my relationship with my father, and what his Deaf legacy has been for me. This work is called "Pride".

The only way I see fit to honor your legacy
Surprise! You did leave one for me
The desire to empower them all as it empowers me
For the more I age, the more like you I am on the inside, and like them, too.

Identity crisis, among other things
You’ve left me to ponder
I wouldn’t trade any away
Because it’s here I find pride.

My quiet candle-flame of pride
Controlled by me, to set fires within, when necessary
In hopes they will see
The way I think you did, the way I aspire to be.

Thanks to you, father
Nearing three years to the day
That you will have been taken from me without consent
It cannot be for nothing, you’ve no idea what you’ve meant.

With my I-L-Y hand on my heart
How I keep the candle’s flame
Lit under your quiet pride.

This ebook is can be downloaded for free at Register with Smashwords for free today! There are great "diamonds in the rough" throughout the website, and all are available for download (free and priced). Get your copy now!

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